Why did Facebook become Popular?

Why did Facebook become popular?


Why is Facebook so popular ?!

One of the special needs that Facebook responds to, and perhaps that is why it has become so popular, is the need for curiosity and curiosity in the lives of others, especially those who are more famous or we know them for some reason and want from the bottom up. Let's make their lives better

Sarat: Don't think that this need - good or bad - needs to be underestimated. This need has been met for many years by fiction, especially in the form of novels, as well as through the popular press (known as the Yellow Press). Both cultural products respond to the need for curiosity and movement in people's lives. That's why you can't compare selling a novel to selling other literary forms. Also, serious publications have never been popular with the press in terms of circulation.

In other words, Facebook is doing the same thing now. This means that with a little "browsing" on Facebook, we can navigate the lives of those on Facebook and be curious, even without anyone noticing. It's as if we see their lives through the half-open or half-open Facebook window: we know where they are, who they are with, where they've gone, what they're eating, what they've bought, how they're feeling, who or what they like or dislike. It comes down to where they have traveled and what they have read and seen or heard, and many other things that we could not have known so easily through the novel and the press, without the intervention of the imaginary element and the drama. That's what Facebook (and its "realities") are doing right now. In my opinion, this is an important part of Facebook's deadly charm that can nail people for hours and even addicts

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