Which Blogging Platform is best for Making Money?

 Which Blogging Platform is best for Making Money?

Which Blogging Platform is best for Making Money?

If you are new to blogging or if you have been blogging on your own site but need more help, I would encourage you to start a blog. This is not something that needs much explanation and will give you good results.

Let´s face it. You will never get the same amount of traffic for free from any other platform. In fact, most people think they can get more income with their WordPress blog than from Instagram or Tumblr. However, there are ways to manage those sites and make some money.

So which platform should you use? Well, the answer is simple. The one that costs less, makes more money. A cheap strategy will rarely result in better results. So, what will make your life easier? What kind of post will work best for you? Here we go!


Which Blogging Platform is best for Making Money?


The first step when starting a blog is installing WordPress. It makes it easy to customize your blog, add images, videos, links, and so much more. And even better, this platform supports over 10 different languages and the main host is Google.

If you can`t find an affordable hosting plan, try one of these: Blue host, Hostgator, and Shared Hosting to name a few. They provide great value for money. Plus, their support team is really helpful.



If you have a self-hosted WordPress blog then I recommend using Blogger. That means you are just having to sign up for Blogger and install WordPress for your blog. Blogger has no limits on how many posts you can write.



– Unlimited posts per day (as long as you have access)

– Free SSL certificate

– No caps on how much you can make as a blogger

– High-performance blogging tools (like caching and SEO)

– Control Panel / Editor-in-Chief

– Automation tools

– Built-in analytics

– Ability to keep track of every visitor to your blog

It– Very easy to start

– Low maintenance

– Highly customizable (custom theme, template, layout, etc)

– Fast loading times

– Good security

– Support 24/7

– Affordable pricing for shared hosting plans

It– Easy to create pages

– Quickest loading speed on mobile devices

– Super easy to integrate with third-party products

– Can be installed in multiple locations


Blogger templates are very flexible and can fit into a wide range of themes. I recommend WordPress and Blogger for professional bloggers. Blogger will provide you with the exact same control panel as Blogger. So choose wisely your themes. Don’t worry about customization anymore if you don’t have time. Blogger provides plenty.


There are some limitations that come with Blogger but it works effectively with the right choices. So, the choice of your theme and the content is very important. The theme makes all the difference! Of course, you can still look for custom themes but don’t forget to choose wisely! One of my favorite examples is the WP Engine theme. Make sure you buy that theme!


Which Blogging Platform is best for Making Money


Medium is another famous choice in the world of blogging. Medium lets you create anything you want with just a click of a button. It lets you publish text with photos and video. You also have full control over your blogs. There are several plugins available. You can also include links for social media but they can only be included in your writing.



– Great variety

– Powerful search engine optimization tools – Search engines like Yelp (Google), google.com, Yahoo!, Bing, etc.

– Lots of categories & tags

– Simple to set up – You can always change it without affecting others.

– Excellent writing guidelines

– Multiple ways to promote your articles (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, etc)



– Lacks analytics

– Requires a stable internet connection

– Has no RSS feed

– Cannot comment on comments and shares

– Only allows HTML5, CSS3 media



– Premium features

– Amazing writers (and lots of them),

– Awesome editor(s)

– Elegant design

– Thousands of writers

– Various layouts

– Easiest way to organize your ideas and thoughts

– Social sharing is amazing

– Builds great communities (like this one).

– Creativity and originality are encouraged


– Reliable

– Flexible

– Creative writers and illustrators (which you can write yourself)

– Unique stories

– Dedicated community

– Personal accounts

– Different settings for editing

– Editing tools

– Access to special privileges

– Use of Grammarly

– Comments, likes, and shares



– Paid promotion

– Email marketing

– Sponsored ads

– Sales channels

– Publications (with social stats)

– Customizing your blog posts (with color schemes and illustrations)

– Tracking stats and analysis

– Advanced analytics and research tools

– Guest Blogging 



– Create anything you want with a click (you don`t need to have a domain or register)

– Unlimited posts per day (as long as you have access)

– Receive daily updates for your articles

– Several options to promote



– It is Not 100% secure as most sites are

– It is not safe for the kids

– Doesn`t allow for unlimited comments and shares

– Limited customization

– Some restrictions for authors (like copyright and plagiarism policies)

– Can`t edit other people's writing

– Spam filter could harm your reputation



Blogger, Medium, and Blogger

I would like to highlight one last option: Blogspot. On this platform, you can have a personal Blogspot. There you can promote your business through various tools. Your blog has its own privacy protection system. As soon as someone buys your product you can send money. Blogspace has a lot of plugins and features to create engaging content. Moreover, you have the ability to generate affiliate links and sell other people’s products. To know more check out Blogspot and download our Blogspot Theme.  



You have two big decisions left: choosing between Blogger, Medium or Blogspot. After deciding on one of them you want to review them and make necessary changes so you are looking at the best option for your blog. But if you want to learn everything in detail, then you can’t miss reading Our Ultimate Guide to Blogging…

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